Plastic Menase

Total amount of plastic created can last for hundreds or possibly thousands of years.
Approximately 300 million tons of plastic is produced every year.
Most of it ends up spoiling the air, and littering our land and sea.
A million bottles every minute:  World’s plastic blast as hazardous as climate change.

Plastic infiltrates every bit. It is  actually like metastasis
  Getting into every single pore of productive life.
It means that soon there may not be anything that isn’t made of plastic.
We, our bodies , our skeletons, might all be replaced by plastic one day.

Plastic has surpassed most man made materials, threatening
“An everlasting contamination of our natural environment ”
Total amount of plastic created by us will last for hundreds or possibly thousands of years.

No one can think of destroying an ocean. 

It seems so impossible and unbelievable !
But we will do it one day. 

 That is how intelligent we are.

Plastic menace is intensely personal environmental problem.

 On the brighter side
Each one of us can contribute to lessen it.

The  very first item that needs to be targeted is the single use plastic bag.
Human beings have produced 8.3 billion tones of plastic since 1950.
Most of it is contaminating our continents and oceans.