Cows Eating Plastic
The animals probing for food stuff munch the plastic , along with the leftover food materials.
The plastic gets hoarded in their rumens and becomes very hard.
These animals appear healthy, but that is only an illusion.
They actually die a slow and extremely painful death due to obstruction and starvation.
Since most of plastic bags are knotted at their mouth ,
Cows , unable to undo the knot , eat plastic along with the food left over.
It is a harrowing and very traumatic experience for those who actually witness their surgery.
They are tormented by witnessing torture and distress of animals caused by plastic .
There has been very little effort to protect cattle from threat to their survival.
These benign bovines are doomed to a very poor way of life due to our apathy .
We selfishly throw garbage , ignoring the fact that many stray animals feed from roadside .
These animals unknowingly consume plastic by mistake , along with eatables..